Our Day

Timetable of our day

8.30am / 12.30pm

Settling in time. Continuous provision and enhanced provision to enable free play in a range of spaces. The outdoor and indoor areas are all available as soon as children arrive.


10.55 / 2.55pm

Gathering times – daily routines, songs, story telling.


11.15am / 3.15pm

Children to lunch club or gather their things for going home.


A drink (milk or water), plus a healthy snack is offered during the free play elements of the session.


Session times – Mornings

Early starters 8-830am (£2)

8.30 – 11.30am

(you can drop your child off between 830 and 9am)

Our doors open from 1120am-1130am for you to collect your child. 

Session times – Afternoons

12.30 – 3.30pm

Our doors open from 320pm-330pm for you to collect your child.

Lunch club(£4.50)

11.15 – 12.30pm

This can be added onto either session or used to make up a full day at nursery.

If you claim 30 hour extended funding, lunch club can be used in your entitlement.

Tea time session 3.30 – 5.30pm

We serve a home cooked meal at tea time and regularly review our menu.  We share this with parents weekly and can cater for special diets.  Children sit together with staff as a family group and also have access to continued play throughout the session.